What does API mean?


API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. APIs define the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information, which facilitates seamless integration and interaction between different software systems, platforms, or services. Key aspects of APIs include: 1. **Functionality**: APIs...

What is the way to earn online?


There are various ways to earn money online, depending on your skills, interests, and dedication. Here are some popular methods: 1. **Freelancing**: Offer your skills and services on freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. Common freelance jobs include writing, graphic design, web development, and digital marketing. 2. **Online tutoring or teaching**: If you have expertise in a particular subject, you...

Why do people love? What benefits do you get from being in love?


People love for a multitude of reasons, many of which are deeply rooted in our biological, psychological, and social nature: Biological and evolutionary reasons: Love, particularly romantic love, has evolutionary advantages. It promotes pair bonding, which enhances the likelihood of offspring survival and the passing on of genes. Emotional fulfillment: Love fulfills our innate need for emotional connection and...

What is the way to talk less?


Talking less can be approached in several ways: 1. **Listen actively**: Practice focusing on what others are saying rather than planning your response. This naturally reduces the urge to talk. 2. **Think before speaking**: Before saying something, consider whether it adds value to the conversation or if it's necessary to say it at all. 3. **Be concise**: When you do speak, aim...

Forty third Week as a Steem Representative – CW 26


Deutsch im Anschluß... Dear Steemians and Dear Steemit Team! Sometimes events come thick and fast... For a few weeks there was little to nothing to report, and then all of a sudden the news - and the requests - rush in. After completing a few projects, I had more time again and was finally able to post more intensively myself. Did I...

Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S18W6 [SUMMARY]: Mastering the Break Retest Break (BRB) Strategy


Hello Steemians, Welcome to the weekly edition of our competition, organized by the Steemit Crypto Academy as part of the Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) Season 18. For this sixth and final week, from June 24 to 30, 2024, we explored an essential and complex theme: Mastering the Break-Retest-Break (BRB) strategy. This topic allowed us to delve into the importance of the Break-Retest-Break strategy...

Downvote Party on Hive Blog on Monday the first of March of 2021.


Downvote Party on Hive Blog on Monday the first of March of 2021. Truck is Here Tuesday. One Step Back, Two Steps Forward, States Are Rising Wednesday. People Shared This On Discord Calling Me Crazy Thursday. Big truck gone now. I want to dance like these Chinese Hat Men Friday. Manure For Seven Hours Saturday. Come to the Table Five Types...

Crypto News Cast For April 1st 2021 ?


Crypto News Cast 📮 01-04-2021   Welcome to The Crypto News Cast: A Complete Cryptocurrency News letter For Today 24hours Cryptocurrency Market Cap: 📈MarketCap: $1907 B 📊24h Mcap %: -59.00% ⚠️Bitcoin Dom: 58.20% 📌Active Coins: 5940 📍24h Vol %: 19.48% 💲24h Vol: $171 B Crypto News Updates : Blockstream Launches Security Token Tied To Bitcoin Hashrate, Redeemable In BTC Coinbase Exchange Hired Former SEC Director Ahead of Public Listing ...

EM24 Germany, Rumänien vs. Holland & Österreich vs. Türkei


Heute die 2 verbleibenden Achtelfinalsspiele bei der Fußballeuropameisterschaft. Today the 2 remaining round of 16 games at the European Football Championship.  vs.  Rumänien spielt gegen Holland. Bei den Buchmachern ist Holland klarer Favorit, aber ich würde die Mannschaft aus Rumänien trotzdem nicht unterschätzen. Ich erwarte ein 1:1 nach 90min. und in der Verlängerung gewinnt Rumänien 2:1. Romania plays against Holland. Holland is the...

SEC S18-W6 || Mastering the Break Retest Break (BRB) Strategy


This week we are learning about the Break Retest Break (BRB) strategy for trading the Steem token. I was busy with my work and studies but from today I will start proper work on this strategy. This is not just theory its practical and will help with daily trading. By participate in this competition I will learn the basic...