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Forty third Week as a Steem Representative – CW 26



Deutsch im Anschluß…

Dear Steemians and Dear Steemit Team!

Sometimes events come thick and fast… For a few weeks there was little to nothing to report, and then all of a sudden the news – and the requests – rush in.

After completing a few projects, I had more time again and was finally able to post more intensively myself. Did I mention that I now really miss it when I’m too busy? At least it’s a sign that I’m feeling pretty good again here on the Steem!



Of course, I’ve also been curating daily, both with my private account and the Community and Charity Accounts of the Dream Steem Community. Incidentally, the Community is enjoying healthy growth; with just over 60 permanently active authors, we’re doing a pretty good job of keeping our “hard core” in line. The contributions are gradually improving and special thanks for this go to, among others @soulfuldreamer, who brings out the best in all of us with her ingenious and thought-provoking competitions:


A small caveat to my enthusiasm: the recent past has also brought a few not-so-serious users to us, with whom various disputes are ongoing or no longer being conducted. We have a newcomer who immediately introduced himself to us with plagiarism, as well as another new colleague who, despite being admonished, has his posts made rather clumsily by a chatbot he trusts. And there are also users who are under undeclared pressure to post every day, but simply have no ideas of their own. As a result, they retell Disney classics or folk tales or stories written by their distant friends. It just makes me sad…

In any case, we are one step closer to the planned book publication; the longlist for the text selection will be turned into a shortlist in the next few days. The authors involved have to give their consent and comment on the possibility of their real names being mentioned…


Well, and then, out of sheer exuberance, I took the plunge again after a long time and applied to become a Community Curator; with a hand-picked team of committed and capable authors. Thank you for placing your trust in us and allowing us to serve as Steem s Angels for the month of July!

And that brings me to my second downer for today: we curate independently of club membership and other conditions. Out of statistical interest, I check them anyway; after all, we want to know how many valuable authors have slipped through all the nets because of the club conditions… To my surprise, I found a lot of authors who don’t belong to a club but use the club tags. In most cases I assume a lack of understanding about the exact interpretation of the club rules. It would be helpful if these could be found somewhere in a centralised location for the duration of their validity. Apparently there are also incorrect instructions in some Communities, which in turn is based on misinterpretations.

However, I have also come across experienced Steemians who cheerfully use all three club tags – and this includes users who have applied to become Community Curators themselves…

The opposite can also be experienced; Steemians who actually belong to #club75 or #club100, but use the modest #club5050 tag.

My conclusion is again similar to the one I’ve often drawn: more clear communication is needed at all corners and ends! Then it will work with the Steem…

Yours @weisser-rabe


Deutsche Version:

Liebe Steemians und liebes Steemit-Team!

Manchmal überschlagen sich die Ereignisse… Es gab ein paar Wochen so mäßig bis kaum etwas zu berichten, und auf einmal überstürzen sich die Neuigkeiten – und die Anliegen.

Nach Abschluß einiger Projekte hatte ich wieder mehr Zeit und konnte selber endlich wieder einmal intensiv posten. Hatte ich erwähnt, daß mir das mittlerweile richtig fehlt, wenn ich zu eingespannt dafür bin? Immerhin ein Zeichen, daß ich mich wieder recht wohl fühle, hier auf dem Steem!



Außerdem habe ich natürlich täglich kuratiert, sowohl mit meinem privaten Account als auch den Community und Charity Accounts der Dream Steem Community. Die erfreut sich im übrigen eines gesunden Wachstums; mit etwas über 60 permanent aktiven Autoren halten wir unseren „harten Kern“ ganz gut bei der Stange. Die Beiträge verbessern sich sukzessive und ganz besonderer Dank dafür gehört u.a. @soulfuldreamer, die mit ihren genialen und zum Nachdenken anregenden Wettbewerben das Beste aus uns allen hervor lockt:


Kleine Einschränkung meiner Begeisterung: die jüngere Vergangenheit brachte auch ein paar nicht so seriöse Nutzer zu uns, mit denen verschiedene Dispute laufen bzw. auch nicht mehr geführt werden. Wir haben einen Newcomer, der sich sogleich mit Plagiaten bei uns einführte, außerdem einen anderen neuen Kollegen, der seine Posts trotz Ermahnung recht unbeholfen von einem Chatbot seines Vertrauens anfertigen läßt. Und es gibt auch Nutzer, die aus einem nicht erklärten Druck heraus unbedingt täglich posten wollen, aber schlicht keine eigenen Ideen haben. Sie erzählen demzufolge Disney-Klassiker nach oder Volksmärchen oder Geschichten, die ihre entfernten Freunde geschrieben haben. Mich macht das einfach nur traurig…

Einen Schritt weiter sind wir jedenfalls in Sachen der geplanten Buchveröffentlichung; aus der nun vorliegenden Longlist für die Textauswahl wird in den nächsten Tagen eine Shortlist. Die involvierten Autoren müssen ihr Einverständnis bekunden und sich zur möglichen Nennung ihres Klarnamens äußern…


Tja, und dann habe ich vor lauter Übermut nach langer Zeit wieder den Schritt gewagt, mich als Community Kuratorin zu bewerben; mit einem handverlesenen Team engagierter und fähiger Autorinnen. Danke, daß uns das Vertrauen ausgesprochen wurde und wir im Monat Juli als Drei Engel für Steem unseres Amtes walten dürfen!

Und dabei wäre ich gleich bei meinem zweiten Wermutstropfen für heute: wir kuratieren unabhängig von Clubzugehörigkeit und anderen Bedingungen. Aus statistischem Interesse checke ich diese trotzdem; immerhin wollen wir wissen, wie viele wertvolle Autoren uns durch die Clubbedingungen durch alle Netze gerutscht sind… Gefunden habe ich zu meiner Überraschung eine Menge Autoren, die keinem Club angehören, aber die Clubtags benutzen. In den meisten Fällen gehe ich von Unverständnis über genaue Auslegung der Clubregeln aus. Es wäre hilfreich, wenn diese für die Dauer ihrer Gültigkeit irgendwo zentral nachzulesen wären. Scheinbar gibt es in einigen Communities auch falsche Anleitungen dazu, was wiederum auf Fehlinterpretationen beruht.

Allerdings stieß ich auch auf durchaus erfahrene Steemians, die munter alle drei Clubtags benutzen – und das betrifft u.a. Nutzer, die sich selbst als Community Kuratoren beworben haben…

Das Gegenteil kann man ebenfalls erleben; Steemians, die eigentlich #club75 oder #club100 angehören, aber den bescheidenen #club5050 tag verwenden.

Mein Fazit ähnelt wiederum dem, das ich schon häufiger zog: es braucht an allen Ecken und Enden mehr klare Kommunikation! Dann klappt es auch mit dem Steem…

Euer @weisser-rabe

Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S18W6 [SUMMARY]: Mastering the Break Retest Break (BRB) Strategy


Hello Steemians,

Welcome to the weekly edition of our competition, organized by the Steemit Crypto Academy as part of the Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) Season 18. For this sixth and final week, from June 24 to 30, 2024, we explored an essential and complex theme: Mastering the Break-Retest-Break (BRB) strategy.

This topic allowed us to delve into the importance of the Break-Retest-Break strategy in trading, a crucial aspect for making informed trading decisions. Understanding this strategy helps traders identify potential entry and exit points, manage risks, and optimize their trading strategies in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

During this week, our participants showed exceptional engagement and in-depth analysis in their contributions. Through various articles, discussions and case studies, they explored the concept of the BRB strategy and its application in trading strategies.

This report presents a roundup of the best submissions, innovative ideas and insightful analyzes shared by our talented members. He also highlights the importance of understanding these indicators to navigate the complex and ever-changing cryptocurrency markets.




Participation statistics


During this week, we received a total of 9 entries. All entries were valid, showing a high level of compliance with the rules:

Total number of entries Invalid entry Plagiarized content
9 0 0

We are particularly satisfied with the quality of the valid contributions.

score distrubtion.PNG

Score distribution 


Performance distribution (%) 

A significant number of entries, 44%, were rated as excellent. This demonstrates the participants’ in-depth understanding and analytical skills regarding the topic. A substantial number, 56%, were rated as good, indicating that many participants had a strong command of the topic.

The distribution of scores and performance indicates a high level of engagement and quality among participants. The majority of submissions were of good to excellent quality, demonstrating participants’ strong understanding and analytical skills in mastering the Break-Retest-Break strategy. As we move forward, it will be important to continue to encourage original and thoughtful contributions while ensuring compliance with the competition rules to maintain this high standard.




Top 3 users this week


In our evaluation process, we first assessed the quality of participants’ performances, focusing on their interactions with other competitors.

To choose the top three participants, we took into account their performance scores and how they interacted with others. Additionally, we have made a special selection based on an outstanding article that provided exceptional content on the topic of discussion. Here are the three participants we recognized this week:

Ranking Username Article
1 @stream4u Link
2 @mostofajaman Link
3 @casv Link






We are extremely pleased with the participation and quality of submissions this week. Despite the low number of participations, the overall trend is positive, and we look forward to seeing even more participants join our future teaching IT competitions.

These findings highlight the importance of continually encouraging original, well-thought-out contributions while avoiding plagiarism and misuse of AI-generated content. Together, we are building a stronger, more informed community, ready to meet financial market challenges with insight and confidence.

We thank all participants for their outstanding contributions and look forward to future editions of our competitions, where we will continue to explore relevant and enriching themes.

Downvote Party on Hive Blog on Monday the first of March of 2021.


Downvote Party on Hive Blog on Monday the first of March of 2021. Truck is Here Tuesday. One Step Back, Two Steps Forward, States Are Rising Wednesday. People Shared This On Discord Calling Me Crazy Thursday. Big truck gone now. I want to dance like these Chinese Hat Men Friday. Manure For Seven Hours Saturday.

Come to the Table

Five Types of Cryptos Sunday the 7th. Concrete mix. Good Samaritan Monday. Check out Lauren Witzke Tuesday. Untested Covid Vaccine Tested Many Times? Wednesday. Planned Parenthood Leader was also that father of Bill Gates. Garden Shed Cleaning Thursday. Tilling Day Friday. Alex Jones Flagrant 2. Strawberries Saturday.

China Love Biden Long Time

Bitchute links are banned on Twitter Sunday the 14th. Covid Debate Monday. Squirrel feeder fixed with 3rd log. STC journal posts. These 12 Questions Could End COVID Hoax Forever Tuesday. Jeep wash. Crimson Contagion Plan Wednesday. Vacuum clean. Lion King Vaccines Parody Thursday. Teenage Mutant Ninja Jab Friday. Lawful vs Legal Saturday.

VHS Home Videos

Runaway Lady Sunday the 21st. Vaccines are NOT Serums Monday. President Harris Tuesday. Covid is the Pluto of Pandemics Wednesday. Sliding Door Thursday. Facebook Rocketman Timeout Friday. No-FlyZone Above North Pole Saturday.

Palm Sunday

Reagan Nixon Trump Sunday the 28th. Lawyer Mover Oatmeal Monday. Border Pandemic Flying Tuesday. Hunger Games Triangle in Texas Wednesday.

Crypto News Cast For April 1st 2021 ?


Crypto News Cast April 1st 2021

Crypto News Cast 📮 01-04-2021


Welcome to The Crypto News Cast: A Complete Cryptocurrency News letter For Today

24hours Cryptocurrency Market Cap:

📈MarketCap: $1907 B
📊24h Mcap %: -59.00%
⚠️Bitcoin Dom: 58.20%
📌Active Coins: 5940
📍24h Vol %: 19.48%
💲24h Vol: $171 B

Crypto News Updates :

  • Blockstream Launches Security Token Tied To Bitcoin Hashrate, Redeemable In BTC
  • Coinbase Exchange Hired Former SEC Director Ahead of Public Listing
  • ConsenSys Ready To Launch Scalable Ethereum NFT Platform, Palm
  • Dave Portnoy Set To Get Back In Bitcoin At Dip
  • Bakkt Holdings Launching Digital Wallet App
  • BSN, China’s Blockchain Project Set to integrate R3 Corda
  • Novogratz Says Bitcoin on The Path To Reach Gold’s Market Cap
  • Cardano Makes History By Reaching Complete Decentralization

Register at the best leverage exchange


EM24 Germany, Rumänien vs. Holland & Österreich vs. Türkei



Heute die 2 verbleibenden Achtelfinalsspiele bei der Fußballeuropameisterschaft.

Today the 2 remaining round of 16 games at the European Football Championship.

rum.gif vs. hol.gif

Rumänien spielt gegen Holland. Bei den Buchmachern ist Holland klarer Favorit, aber ich würde die Mannschaft aus Rumänien trotzdem nicht unterschätzen. Ich erwarte ein 1:1 nach 90min. und in der Verlängerung gewinnt Rumänien 2:1.

Romania plays against Holland. Holland is the clear favorite with the bookmakers, but I still wouldn’t underestimate the team from Romania. I expect a 1:1 after 90 minutes. and in extra time Romania wins 2-1.

öst.gif vs. tur.gif

Österreich spielt gegen die Türkei. Für mich eine klare Angelegenheit für Österreich und deshalb erwarte ich einen 2:0 Sieg der Österreichischen Mannschaft.

Austria plays against Turkey. For me it’s a clear matter for Austria and that’s why I expect a 2-0 win for the Austrian team.

Funny matches
Best regards & Glück auf

SEC S18-W6 || Mastering the Break Retest Break (BRB) Strategy


This week we are learning about the Break Retest Break (BRB) strategy for trading the Steem token. I was busy with my work and studies but from today I will start proper work on this strategy. This is not just theory its practical and will help with daily trading. By participate in this competition I will learn the basic of the BRB strategy and How to use it to manage trade and get better results. whether you are experience trader or just started out this competition is great chance to learn practice and shared with a community that love trading.

The Break Retest Break (BRB) strategy helps traders make money by following trends in the market. It has three steps the initial break the retest and the subsequent break. Let me explain each step and how it applies to trading Steem.

  1. Initial Break: This is when the price breaks through a key level like a support or resistance. For example if Steem jumps from $0.20 to $0.25 suddenly thats an initial break.
  2. Retest: After the initial break the price often comes back to test the new level it broke through. If it hold above this level like staying above $0.20 after breaking it that confirms the break.
  3. Subsequent Break: Once the price confirms the break by holding above the level and then break higher again like going above $0.25 after holding at $0.20 it confirm trend continuation.
  4. Applying the BRB Strategy to Steem Trading

    Here how I use the BRB strategy for Steem:

    • Identify Levels: Find important support and resistance levels on the Steem chart.
    • Wait for Break: Look for a clear break above level backed by strong trading volume.
    • Confirm and Enter: After the break wait for a retest and confirmation. Enter the trade when the price breaks higher again with a plan to manage risk and set targets.
    Specific Entry Criteria Using the BRB Strategy for Steem Trading

    When I use the Break Retest Break (BRB) strategy to trade Steem I look for specific signals to enter a position. Here’s how I approach it:

    1. Identifying Key Levels:
      • First I analyze Steem price chart to find important support and resistance levels. These levels are crucial because they mark where the price might break out or reverse.
    2. Initial Break:
      • I wait for Steem to break above a significant resistance level. For example if Steem usually trades around $0.20 and suddenly rises to $0.22 that’s an initial break.

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    1. Confirmation of Break:
      • After the break I watch closely to see if the price pulls back to retest the $0.20 level which has now become support. If the price holds above $0.20 during this retest it confirms that the breakout might be real.
    2. Technical Indicators:
      • Volume: I check if the breakout is support by increased trading volume. high volume confirms strong interest and potential Continuation of the up trend.

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    • Candlestick Patterns : Looking for bullish candlestick patterns like big green candle or pattern that show buyers are in control helps me confirm the strength of the breakout.
    • Moving Averages: I use moving averages to understand the trend direction. When shorter-term averages cross above longer-term ones it often signal a bullish trend.
    • RSI (Relative Strength Index): If the RSI is above 50 it suggest bullish momentum and support my decision to enter the trade.
    1. Entry Point:
      • Once I see the price break above the recent high after the retest (say above $0.22) I take that as my signal to enter the trade. This second breakout confirms that the uptrend is likely continuing.
    2. Managing Risk:
      • To manage risk I set a stop-loss just below the initial breakout level (around $0.20 in this example). This helps protect my capital in case the price reverses.

    Example Scenario:

    • Identify Key Level: I notice Steem has been struggling around $0.20.
    • Initial Break: Steem suddenly breaks above $0.20 reaching $0.22 with strong volume.
    • Retest: The price pulls back to $0.20 but it holds steady without dropping below.
    • Confirmation: I see bullish candlestick patterns and RSI above 50.
    • Subsequent Break: Steem then breaks above $0.22 confirming the uptrend is continuing.
    • Entry: I decide to enter the trade at $0.23 with a stop-loss set at $0.19 to manage my risk.
    • Profit Target: I set my profit targets based on resistance levels or previous highs adjusting with trailing stops to maximize gain.
    Exit Criteria Using the BRB Strategy

    When I trade using the Break Retest Break (BRB) strategy knowing when to exit Position is just important as knowing when to enter. Here how I decide to close a trade whether in profit or loss:

    1. Profitable Exit Criteria:
      • Target Price Reached: I set a specific profit target based on resistance levels or previous highs. When the price reaches this target its a signal to consider closing the position to lock in profits.
      • Trailing Stops: As the price moves in my favor I adjust my stop loss higher (if long) or lower (if short) to protect
        profits. Trailing stops help capture gain while allowing rooms for the price to continue it trend.

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    • Technical Indicators: If technical indicators such overbought conditions (high RSI) or bearish candlestick patterns suggest potential reversal I may choose to exit the trade to secure profits before the trend reverses.
    1. Loss Minimizing Exit Criteria:
      • Stop Loss Hit: I always set a stop-loss when entering trade to limit potential losses. If the price hits my stop-loss level it triggers an automatic exit to prevent further loss.
      • Invalidation of Setup: If the initial breakout level (where I entered) fails to hold support upon retesting it indicates the setup may be invalid. In such cases I exit the trade to minimize losses and reassess the market conditions.
    2. Market Conditions:
      • Volatility Changes: If the market becomes highly volatile or unpredictable causing significant price swings against my position I may consider exiting to protect capital.
      • News or Events: Unexpected news or events that affect the cryptocurrency market and Steem token specifically could prompt me to exit position earlier than planned to avoid potential adverse impacts.

    Example Scenario:

    • Profitable Exit: Suppose I enter a trade at $0.23 after confirmed breakout above $0.20. My profit target is $0.30 based on previous resistance levels. When the price reaches $0.30 I decide to close the trade to lock in a profit of $0.07 per token.
    • LossMinimizing Exit: If I set stoploss at $0.19 and the price drops to trigger this stop-loss I exit the trade with a manageable loss of $0.04 per token.
    • Adapting to Market Conditions: In highly volatile market if the price shows signs of reversal after hitting my profit target or if unexpected negative news affects Steem price I may exit the trade earlier than planned to protect my capital.
    Example of a BRB Trade on Steem Token

    I want to share a recent trade I made using the Break Retest Break (BRB) strategy on the Steem token. This strategy helps me identify potential buying opportunities and manage trades effectively.

    1. Identifying the Setup

    • Chart Analysis: I noticed that Steem had been struggling around the $0.20 mark which acted as resistance level in the past. This Level caught my attention as a potential breakout point.

    2. Initial Break

    • Entry Point: Steem finally broke above the $0.20 resistance level rallying to $0.22.
    • Reasoning: This breakout was accompanied by a surge in trading volume suggesting strong buying interest. I Saw this a signal that the downtrend might be reversing making it a good time to consider entering long Position.

    3. Retest

    • Pullback: After hitting $0.22 Steem pulled back to retest the $0.20 level.
    • Confirmation: Importantly during this pullback the price held above $0.20 indicating that previou resistance had turned into support. This confirmation strengthened my belief in the breakout.

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    4. Subsequent Break

    • Second Breakout: Steem then continued its upward movement breaking above the recent high of $0.22 and reaching $0.25.
    • Entry Confirmation: I decided to enter the trade $0.23 just above the recent high after the retest anticipating further price appreciation.
    • Reasoning: The second breakout above $0.22 confirmed to me that the bullish trend was likely to continue. It was clear signal to participate in the uptrend.

    5. Exit Strategy

    • Profit Target: My profit target was set at $0.30 based on the next significant resistance level seen on the chart.
    • Reasoning: $0.30 was a historical resistance level Where Steem had previously stalled. Closing the trade at this level allowed me to lock in profits before potential resistance could halt further gains.
    • Stop Loss: I placed a stop-loss at $0.19 just below the initial breakout level of $0.20.
    • Reasoning: This stop-loss protected my capital in case the breakout failed to hold. If the price drop back below $0.20 it would indicate that the trade setup might no longer be valid.
    In conclusion by applying the BRB strategy I identified promising trade setup in Steem entered strategically at breakout point and managed the trade with Clear exit strategies. This approach help me navigate the cryptocurrency market with confidence aiming to maximize profits while minimizing risk.
    Managing Risk and Capital with the BRB Strategy

    When I trade using the Break Retest Break (BRB) strategy I focus on protecting my capital while maximizing potential gains. Here’s how I manage risk:

    1. Setting Stop Loss Orders

    • Purpose: A stop-loss order is essential to limit potential losses on a trade.
    • Placement: I set my stop-loss just below the initial breakout level typically around the support turned resistance level.
    • Example: If I enter a trade at $0.23 after breakout above $0.20 I might place my stop loss at $0.19. This level acts as buffer against price reversals that could invalidate the trade setup.

    2. Using Trailing Stops

    • Purpose: Trailing stops help protect profits as the trade moves in my favor.
    • Implementation: As the price moves up I adjust my stop loss upwards (if long) to lock in profits. This allows me to capture gains while still giving the trade room to develop.
    • Example: If Steem rises from $0.23 to $0.30 I might adjust my stop loss from $0.19 to $0.25. This ensures that if the price reverse I exit with a profit rather than giving back gains.

    3. Setting Profit Targets

    • Purpose: Profit targets help me define when to take profits and exit trade.
    • Strategy: I set targets based on resistance levels or historical price movements aiming to capture potential upside before the price encounters resistance.
    • Example: With Steem if my entry is at $0.23 I might set a profit target at $0.30 based on previous highs. Closing the trade at this level allows me to lock in profits before potential resistance might halt further gains.

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    4. Risk to Reward Ratio

    • Consideration: Before entering a trade I always asses the risk to reward ratio.
    • Ratio: I aim for favorable ratio where the potential reward outweighs the risk. This help ensured that even if not all trades are profitable the one that are can offset loses.
    • Example: If my Stop los is at $0.19 & my profit targets is $0.30 the risk to reward ratio Would be calculate the potential Gain ($0.30 – $0.23 = $0.07) divide by the potentials los ($0.23 – $0.19 = $0.04) resulting in ratio of 1.75:1.

    5. Adapting to Market Conditions

    • Flexibility: I remain flexible and adjust my risk management approach based on market conditions and volatilty.
    • Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of the trade and markets developments helps me make informed decisions to adjust stops or take profits if necessary.
    • Example: During periods of heightened volatility or unexpected news affecting Steems price I may tighten stops or secure profit earlier to protect against adverse market movement.
    By implementing these risk management techniques with the BRB strategy I aim to preserve capital and optimize returns in my trading activities with Steem. This approach not only help me navigate the inherent risks of cryptocurrency trading but also allows me to capitalize on opportunitie with confidence.


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Blue and Gold Classy Elegant Simple Christmas Presentation.jpg

iphone vs android


The choice between iPhone (iOS) and Android often boils down to personal preference and specific needs. Here are some key differences that users often consider:

iPhone (iOS):

  1. User Interface (UI): iOS is known for its clean and intuitive interface design, which tends to be consistent across devices due to Apple’s control over hardware and software integration.
  2. Hardware and Software Integration: iPhones are designed and manufactured by Apple, ensuring tight integration between hardware and software. This can result in optimized performance and efficient use of resources.
  3. App Ecosystem: The Apple App Store offers a wide range of high-quality apps, often receiving apps and updates sooner than Android due to stricter app guidelines and fewer device variations.
  4. Privacy and Security: Apple emphasizes user privacy and security, with features like Face ID, Touch ID, and strict app permissions.
  5. Updates: Apple provides timely and consistent software updates across its devices, ensuring users have access to the latest features and security patches.


  1. Customization: Android devices offer more flexibility and customization options, allowing users to personalize their home screens, widgets, and even install custom ROMs.
  2. Hardware Diversity: Android is used by various manufacturers (Samsung, Google, OnePlus, etc.), offering a wide range of devices in terms of design, specifications, and price points.
  3. Google Services Integration: Android tightly integrates with Google services like Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos, offering seamless synchronization across devices.
  4. App Selection: While the Google Play Store also offers a vast selection of apps, Android apps may vary in quality and optimization across different devices due to hardware fragmentation.
  5. Price Range: Android devices cater to a broader range of budgets, from budget-friendly options to premium flagship devices.

Ultimately, the decision between iPhone and Android often depends on individual preferences regarding user interface, customization options, ecosystem integration, privacy considerations, and budget constraints. Both platforms have their strengths and cater to different user needs and preferences.

What are the best technology and gadget blogs?



There are several popular and reputable technology and gadget blogs that are well-regarded for their coverage and reviews. Here are some of the best ones:

  1. The Verge – Known for its comprehensive coverage of technology news, gadgets, and consumer electronics. They offer in-depth reviews and analysis.
  2. TechCrunch – Focuses on startups, tech news, and product reviews. It covers a wide range of topics from gadgets to industry trends.
  3. Engadget – Offers reviews, news, and analysis on gadgets, consumer electronics, and technology trends. It’s known for its detailed product coverage.
  4. CNET – Provides reviews, news, and pricing information on tech products, gadgets, and consumer electronics. They also have a strong video review section.
  5. Gizmodo – Features reviews, news, and opinion pieces on technology and gadgets. It covers both mainstream and niche products.
  6. Ars Technica – Known for its detailed technical analysis, reviews, and deep dives into technology topics including gadgets, software, and hardware.
  7. Tom’s Hardware – Focuses more on PC hardware, gaming peripherals, and components. It offers detailed reviews and benchmarks.
  8. Digital Trends – Covers a wide range of consumer electronics, gadgets, and technology news. It provides reviews, guides, and buying advice.
  9. SlashGear – Offers reviews and news on gadgets, consumer electronics, and technology trends. It covers a mix of mainstream and emerging tech.
  10. AnandTech – Specializes in in-depth reviews and analysis of PC hardware components, mobile devices, and emerging technologies.

These blogs are reputable sources for staying updated on the latest tech trends, product launches, and in-depth reviews of gadgets and consumer electronics.

top 5 android phone 2024


✅As of 2024, the top Android phones can vary based on individual preferences and needs. However, considering factors like performance, features, camera quality, and overall user experience, here are five Android phones that are likely to be among the best:

  1. Samsung Galaxy S series (e.g., Galaxy S24 Ultra):
    • Known for its powerful performance, excellent displays, and versatile camera systems.
    • Features typically include high refresh rate screens, top-tier processors, and extensive software features from Samsung.
  2. Google Pixel series (e.g., Pixel 7 Pro):
    • Offers a clean Android experience with quick updates directly from Google.
    • Known for its exceptional camera quality and AI-driven software enhancements.
  3. OnePlus (e.g., OnePlus 11 Pro):
    • Renowned for its smooth and fast user interface (OxygenOS).
    • Offers flagship-level performance, high refresh rate displays, and competitive pricing.
  4. Xiaomi Mi series (e.g., Xiaomi Mi 12 Ultra):
    • Known for offering high-end specifications at relatively lower prices compared to other flagships.
    • Features include impressive cameras, large batteries, and innovative design choices.
  5. Sony Xperia series (e.g., Xperia 5 IV):
    • Known for its unique design, excellent build quality, and advanced camera capabilities.
    • Offers a distinctive user experience with features tailored towards multimedia and gaming enthusiasts.

These phones are typically recognized for their premium build quality, powerful hardware specifications, innovative features, and strong performance. It’s essential to consider specific requirements such as camera preferences, software experience, and budget when choosing the best Android phone for your needs in 2024.

What tech company is going downhill?


As of my last update in January 2022, it’s important to note that the status of tech companies can change rapidly due to various factors such as market trends, competition, leadership changes, and strategic decisions. Therefore, the information might be outdated or not reflective of the current situation.

If you’re looking for recent information on tech companies that may be facing challenges or declining, it’s advisable to check recent financial reports, news articles, and analyses from reputable sources that specialize in business and technology news. These sources often provide insights into the performance and outlook of various companies in the tech industry.



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